Wednesday 28 January 2009

I am hoping that once I have written my first entry since the blog changes, that writing will become easier, as this is pretty torturous at present. I have sat for countless moments idly gazing out at the garden, whilst the bird population flock in to find all the tasty morsels left out for them; and yet a self imposed shield appears to continue stifling my inspiration. Fortunately it only has the slightest of grip when it comes to my art.

Since buying our own house, almost four months ago now, I have discovered an aspect of myself which had been previously hidden. I have become 'house proud'! Household management continuously takes a fair amount of time, not to say energy, and then when you add in, baking and cooking, plus all the other items that slowly need addressing when you move into a new property, your time in the week quickly ebbs away.

Over this past month, I began to consider what was important in my life, and realized that maintaining a clean, comfortable and happy home environment was one of the top items on my list. I also came to the conclusion that this blog, or rather the demand of three drawings a week, was not only difficult to achieve now, but had in effect started to kill my art.

The idea behind my blog's new name and re-design, is to allow my art the time it hasn't previously had. The half an hour drawings, such as the Un-named, will still pop up, however I can now also work on art that may take weeks to complete. I am also hoping that whilst I may be errant in uploading art as frequently, I can write about my life, thoughts and inspirations instead.


Anonymous said...

I love household management too! I have set goals for my family -- the number one being that I want everyone in my family (including myself) to feel loved and cared for. I think a clean, well-maintained home can go a long way toward accomplishing this. It also gives us time to do those things we want to do -- like art in your case. I wish you good luck on your refocusing of priorities, and also with your artwork, which I have enjoyed.

Changes in the wind said...

I am excited to have the opportunity to get to know the lady behind the pen:) Enjoy your time and bravo for setting your priorities!!